Sunday, September 15, 2013

LEOPARD Syndrome

Specific Characteristics
Lentigines on a female Caucasian woman.
  • ·      Autosomal dominant genetic disorder
  • ·      Also known as multiple lentigines syndrome
  • ·      Lentigines, dark brown string-like spots, cover the skin

  • ·      Caused my mutations in the PTPN11 and RAEF1 genes.
  • ·      50% chance on an affected parent passing the disease on to her offspring.

Signs and Symptoms
  • ·      Lentigines; numerous black or dark brown spots, in varying lengths and shapes, on the skin
  • ·      Electrocardiographic conduction defects; irregular electric impulses from the heart. Severe cases can result in fainting episodes, seizures, etc.
  • ·      Ocular hyperterlorism; anatomical malfunctions in the formation of the head and facial areas
  • ·      Pulmonary stenosis
  • Pulmonary Stenosis
  • ·      Abnormalities of the genitals. Males experience unusual acuteness of the penis and/or failure of one or both testes. Females will experience underdeveloped or even absent ovaries.
  • ·      Retarded growth; stunt in bone growth and/or growing of a bone down the chest’s center.

  • ·      Pale or tan discolorations of the skin at birth.
  • ·      A parent or sibling has multiple lentigines.
  • ·      X-ray and electrocardiography (EKG) exams will show internal birth defects in skeletal and electric impulses.

  • ·      Surgery, depending upon the location and severity of the affected areas.
  • ·      Treatment, depending on the severity of the condition, not always necessary.
  • ·      Hormone injections for affected individuals with abnormalities in genitals.
  • ·      Hearing aids and speech therapy for affected individuals with damaged hearing.

Multiple lentigines syndrome - Genetics Home Reference. (n.d.). Genetics Home Reference - Your guide to understanding genetic conditions. Retrieved September 13, 2013, from
Pulmonic Stenosis. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved September 13, 2013, from
rare-diseases — National Organization for Rare Disorders. (n.d.). Welcome to NORD — National Organization for Rare Disorders. Retrieved September 13, 2013, from